Dr K B Kempe Gowda M.A., LL.M., Ph.D.
Vivekananda College of Law
e mail : vclgowda66@gmail.com
Area of Specialization
Constitutional Law & Administrative Law
Teaching Experience
Teaching LL.B. students since 1995
Research Work
Obtained Ph. D. Degree on the topic “The Legal Regime of the Right to Information Act, 2005: A Critical Study” from Mysore University.
Guidance to Research Scholars
Guided LL.M. students of KSOU, Kuvempu University and Annamalai University to complete their dissertation.
Number of Research Paper Published
More than 09 Research Articles.
Journal Review
Working as External peer reviewer of Christ University Law Journal.
Academic Council & Syndicate
- Presently Academic Council & Syndicate Member, Karnataka State Law University, Hubli.
- Presently Member of Academic Council, JSS Law College, Mysore as nominated by the Karnataka State Law University, Hubli. 2013.
- Former Member, Academic Council for a period of 2 years, w.e.f. 3.3.2009, Bangalore University.
List of Research Articles Published
- ‘Legal Framework of Co-operative Societies in India- An Analysis, an article published in a book titled ‘Nuances of Law’, Published by CKS Publications, Bangalore, in a commemorative volume in honour of Prof. Dr. K. M. Hanumantharayappa, on his superannuation.
- ‘Ombudsman an Inevitable Institution’. The Current Karnataka Statutes. Vol-4, Part-1, 20th January, 2013 with ISSN 2277-2855.
- ‘Live-in Relationship and Surrogacy: A Legal Approach’– Tumkur University National Conference Proceedings, P. 85-95 dated 8th December 2012, with ISBN 978-93-82694-05-2
- ‘Jurisdiction in Cyber Space’. The Current Karnataka Statutes. Vol-3, Part-8, 20th August, 2012 with ISSN 2277-2855.
- ‘The Role Judiciary in Protection of Prisoners Rights in India’. The Current Karnataka Statutes. Vol-3, Part-7, 20th July, 2012 with ISSN 2277-2855.
- ‘Constitutionality of laws made under Article 31-B read with Ninth Schedule of the Indian Constitution’. The current Karnataka Statutes. Vol-3, Part 5 & 6, 20th May & June, 2012 with ISSN 2277-2855.
- ’The Doctrine of Basic Structure and Its Developments’– The Current Karnataka Statutes. Vol-3, Part-5 & 6, 20th May & June, 2012 with ISSN 2277-2855.
- ‘Right to Information Act and Right to Privacy- an Analysis’– Bangalore Law Journal. 4 BLJ 2011 (I)
- ‘Right to Information Act vis-a-vis official Secrets Act’– Mysore University Law Journal, Vol-2, March 2008, P. No.-199-208.
Expert Committee
- Framed syllabus and scheme of examination in restructures pattern for U.G. Courses (Credit Based Semester Scheme) for the compulsory paper- Indian Constitution and Human Rights, for the Bangalore University.
- Participated as a subject expert for implementation of coaching programmes for Civil Services (prelims) and KAS (Prelims) in association with Backward Classes Department, Government of Karnataka and Krishik Sarvodaya Foundation, Bangalore.
Refresher Course/ Orientation Programmes
Delivered lectures as a Resource Person, on the topics
- Right to Information: A Human Right Approach &Live-in relationship and surrogacy: A Legal Approach, for the participants of Refresher Course in Human rights for University/ College Teachers conducted by the UGC-Academic Staff College, University of Kerala, Kariavattom Campus, on 31st May, 2013.
- Status of Women: A Legal Approach &Public Interest Litigation & Protection of Human Rights, for the participants of Refresher Course in Human rights for University/College Teachers conducted by the UGC- Academic Staff College, University of Kerala, Kariavattom Campus, on 1st June, 2013.
- Status of Women: A Legal Approach &Public Interest Litigation & Protection of Human Rights, for the participants of Refresher Course in Human rights for University/College Teachers conducted by the UGC- Academic Staff College, University of Kerala, Kariavattom Campus, on 1st June, 2013.
- “Intellectual Property Rights” in a National Level Faculty Development Programme held at Vivekananda College of Pharmacy and sponsored by All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi, on 5.4.2014.
- “Medical Profession and The Right to Information Act, 2005” in a National Level Faculty Development Programme, held at Vivekananda College of Pharmacy and sponsored by ALL India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi, on 30.3.2013.
- Delivered two lectures as a Resource Person to the participants of Orientation Programme on Human Rights, organized by the UGC-Academic Staff College, University of Mysore on 13th March 2013 on Nuisances of the Right to Information Act & Live-in Relationship and Surrogacy.
- ‘Public Interest Litigation’ to the participants of the 7th Orientation Programme, organized by the Academic Staff College, Kannur University, Kerala, on 3rd February, 2012.
- ‘Consumer Protection Law & Women and Law’ to the participants of the 7th Orientation Programme, organized by the Academic Staff College, Kannur University, Kerala, on 4th February, 2012.
Lectures delivered as Resource Person/Invitee Lectures
- Presented a paper titled ‘Developing Human Rights Advocacy Skills: An Experience’ in UGC Sponsored National Workshop on Role of the Universities in Developing Human Rights Advocacy Skills held on 10.12.2013 at Department of Law, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram.
- Chief Guest and Delivered Inaugural address in the inaugural function of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Hall of Department of Law, University of Kerala on 31st May 2013 at Thiruvananthapuram.
- Delivered lectures as a Resource Person, on the topic “Dr. B. R. Ambedkar and Indian Constitutional Values” organized by Department of Law under Human Rights Education Scheme of UGC, held on 31st May 2013, at Thiruvananthapuram.
- Delivered lecture as Resource Person to the officers and employees of Drug Control Department at Government College of Pharmacy on the topic Right to Information Act, 2005 and related issues, held on 23rd May, 2013 at Bangalore.
- Presented a paper titled “Live in Relationship and Surrogacy: a Legal Approach in the National Conference on Culture and Society: Transformation, Challenges and Strategies organized by the Department of Studies and Research in Sociology, Tumkur University, held on Saturday, 8th December, 2012.
- Delivered lecture as a Resource Person at Vivekananda College of Education, Bangalore, on the topic: Human Rights of Aged Persons, Held on 08.10.2012.
- Invited as Resource Person by the Organizing Chairman of KANCIPS 2011 at the 21st Annual Conference of Indian Psychiatry Society-Karnataka Branch and delivered a lecture on “Human Rights of Mentally III” on 21st August 2011.
- Participated as Resource Person in Law & Psychiatry: today & tomorrow, held on 20th and 21st August 2011.
- Delivered lectures as a Resource Person at the Karnataka Government Secretariat Training Institute, on civil suits, criminal cases, writ petitions, writ appeals and RTI, 2005 and rules their under on 17th August 2011 and 08th September 2011.
- Delivered lecture as a Resource Person at Vivekananda College of Education, Bangalore. On the topic: Law Relating to Woman and Children, Held on 20.7.2011.
- Delivered lecture as Resource Person on the topic “Medical Negligence and Law” in a workshop organized in association with Consumer Rights Education & Awareness Trust (CREAT), Bangalore on 30.3.2011.
- Participated as Chief Guest in the Community Living Camp held at Besant Part, Doddaballapur on 3.1.2011 and delivered an invitee lecture as Resource Person on the topic: Affirmative Action and Social Justice.
- Delivered lecture as a Resource Person at Vivekananda College of Education, Bangalore on the topic: Law of Crimes, Held on 2.12.2010.
- Delivered lecture on the subject” the role and status of Notary” in the plenary session of Notaries Conference held on 26.12.2009 at Kundapura, organized by Karnataka State Notaries Association.
- Delivered lecture as a Resource Person at Vivekananda College of Education, on 16.10.2009 at Bangalore, on the topic: Right to Information – A Human Right Approach.
- Participated as Resource Person and inaugurated World Consumer Rights Day, Programme, organized by the Dept. of Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs, Govt. of Karnataka on 19.3.2009 and delivered a lecture on Consumer is the King.
- Participated as delegate Resource Person and presented the paper in the one day National Seminal on Cyber Crimes and Human Rights- New Perspective on 2nd February, 2009 organized by Centre for Information Science and Technology Department of University of Mysore.
- Participated as Chief Guest in the Community Living Camp held at Besant Park, Doddaballapur on 25.9.2008 and delivered an invitee lecture as resource person on the topic: Right to Information.
- Participated as Chief Guest in the Community Living Camp held at Besant Park, Doddaballapur on 19.5.2007 and delivered an invitee lecture as resource person on the topic: the Karnataka Education Act.
- Participated as Chief Guest in the Community Living Camp held at Besant Park, Doddaballapur on 16.7.2006 and delivered an invitee lecture as resource person on the topic: Human Rights.
- Participated in the National Conference on ‘India in the Globalized World: Challenges and Opportunities’ held on 30th April and 1st May 2005 jointly organized by M. D. University, Rohtak, Haryana and All India Law Teachers’ Congress.
Participation in the International Conference
- Participated in the CMR International Law Conference, 2013, on Contemporary Issues in International Commercial Arbitration held on 23rd and 24th, February, 2013 at Bangalore.
- Participated in the International Conference on ‘Rethinking Legal Education in India’ organized by Karnataka State Law University, Navanagar, Hubli, held on 30th and 31st October, 2012.
Participation in Seminar & Conference
- Participated in a Workshop on mediation organized by the KSLU on 14th December 2013.
- Participated in a workshop on Challenges of Legal Education and Profession organized by Karnataka Private Law Colleges’ Association on 24th October, 2013.
- Participated in the Prof. B. T. Parthasarathy Memorial National Seminar on Electoral Reforms held on 31st March 2012 at V. V. Pura Law College, Bangalore.
- Participated as delegate in the One day National Workshop on Consumerism and Consumer Welfare on 6th October, 2007 held at IMSR, Vidyanagar, Hubli.
- Participated as a Delegate in the deliberations of National Seminar on National Knowledge Commission’s Recommendations on Higher Education, organized by Department of Higher Education, Government of Karnataka on 19-20th September, 2007, at Central College Campus, Bangalore.
- Participated as delegate in the National Seminar on Rethinking of Legal Education on 16th September, 2006 at SDM Law College, Mangalore.
- Participated as a delegate at National Workshop on Human Rights Awareness and Training, organized by Department of Studies in Law, Gulbarga University, on 9th October 2005.
- Participated in the State Level Seminar on the Status of Legal Education in Karnataka held on 17.9.2005 at SDM Law College, Mangalore.
- Participated as delegate at the National Workshop on ‘Cyber Laws’ held on 13th February 2005 at B.V.B. College of Engineering and Technology, organized by K.L.E. Law College, Hubli.
- Attended the Symposium on Current Issued on Cr.P.C and C.P.C. in Modern India organized by B.E.S. College of Law, Bangalore on 5th and 6th February 2005.
- Participated as delegate in the seminar on the Role of Law Colleges in Spreading Legal Awareness jointly organized by Karnataka State Legal Services Authority and Bangalore University on 2nd May, 2003 at Bangalore.
- Participated as delegate in the Two-day Seminar on Human Rights Education- Law and Society held on 9th December, 2002, at NALSAR, Hyderabad in association with AILTC.
- Participated in the First National Consultative Conference on the Heads of Legal Educational Institutions held between 11th and 13th August, 2002 at NLSIU, Bangalore.
- Participated as delegate in the workshop on Environmental Protection, people and the law held at Vivekananda Law College, Bangalore on 8.2.2001, conducted by C.P.R. Environmental Education Centre.
- Participated in the One day workshop on Environmental Law held at P.E.S. Law College, Mandya on 4th February 1999, conducted by C.P.R. Environmental Education Centre.
Co-Curricular Activities
- Coordinator, Legal Training Camp held on 15th September, 2012 at Kanasavadi.
- Coordinator, Legal Awareness and Legal Literacy Programme held on 29th September, 2011 at Chikkaballapura.
- Coordinator, Legal Awareness and Legal Literacy Programme held on 6th October, 2010 at Magadi Town, Ramanagar District.
- Coordinator, Legal Literacy workshop to school teachers held on 28th February, 2009 at Kunigal.
- Coordinator, Legal Literacy Workshop and Effects of Using Plastic on Environment held on 27th February, 2008 at Rural College, Kanakapura.
- Coordinator, Legal Literacy workshop held on 25th October, 2008 at Srinivasapura.
- Coordinator, Vana Mahotsava Programme held on 24th September, 2006 at Talekuppa, Bidadi.
- Coordinator, Legal Aid & Awareness Workshop for the benefit of College Students held on 11th March, 2006 at Shitlaghatta.
- Coordinator, Free Legal Aid and Legal Literacy Programme held on 30th October, 2005 at Dodda Shivara, Malur Taluk.
- Coordinator, Free Legal Aid and Legal Literacy Programme held on 31st October, 2004 at Narasandra, Magadi Taluk.
- Coordinator, Free Legal Aid and Legal Literacy Programme held on 12th October, 2003 at K.R. Puram, Bangalore.
- Coordinator, Free Legal Aid and Legal Literacy Programme held on 14th September 2003 at Ramadevanahalli, Nelamangala.
- Coordinator, Legal Literacy and Legal Service Camp held on 27th October, 2002 at Basavanahalli, Nelamangala.
- Coordinator, National Legal Service Day-2002, to distribute Various Benefits to Weaker Sections of the Society held on 24th November, 2002, at Bangalore, in association with High Court Legal Services Committee.
- Coordinator, Free Legal Service and Legal Literacy Camp, held at Dodda Belavangala on 25th November, 2000.
Paper setter
- Question Paper Setter, 3 year LL.B. Karnataka State Law University, Hubli for the year June 2013.
- Question Paper Setter, 5 year LL.B. Karnataka State Law University, Hubli for the year Dec. 2012.
- Question Paper Setter, 3 year LL.B. Karnataka State Law University, Hubli for the year Dec. 2011.
- Question Paper Setter, 3 year LL.B. Karnataka State Law University, Hubli for the year June 2011.
- Paper Setter and Examiner, Regional Institute of Co-Operative Management, Bangalore.
- Examiner, Question Paper Setter 3 & 5 years LL. B. Examination 2010, Bangalore University.
- Question Paper Setter, LL.B. Examination, 2009, Bangalore University.
- Paper Setter, U. G. Examination 2009, Kuvempu University.
- Paper Setter, 3 & 5 years LL.B. Examinations May/Dec. 2008, Bangalore University.
- Question paper setter, P.G./U.G. for the year 2007-08, JSS Law College, Autonomous, Mysore.
- Question paper setter, LL.B. examination June 2006, University of Mysore.
- Paper Setter, LL.B. Examination 2006-07, Tumkur University.
- Paper Setter, LL.B. Examination 2006, Karnataka University, Dharwad.
- Paper Setter, LL.B. Examination May/Dec. 2006, Bangalore University.
- Paper Setter, LL. B. Examination 2003, Bangalore University.
- Paper Setter, LL.B. Examination 2002, Bangalore University.
- Paper Setter, LL.B. Examination 2003, Bangalore University.
- Paper Setter LL.B. Examination of 2002, Mysore University.
- Paper Setter, LL.B. Examination 2001, Bangalore University.
- Paper Setter, LL.B. Examination 2001, Bangalore University.
Board of Examiners
- Chairperson, BOE, U.G. 3 & 5 years LL.B. exams of 2012-13, Bangalore University.
- Chairman, Board of Examiners, 3 & 5 years LL.B. Examination 2010, Bangalore University.
- Member, Board of Examiners for UG/PG LL.B. Examination for 2009, Bangalore University.
- Member, Board of Examiners of LL.B. for U.G. May/June 2006, University of Mysore.
- Member, Board of Examiners of Ll. B. for U. G. April/May & October/November 2005, University of Mysore.
- Member, Board of Examiners of 3 year LL.B. for U.G. 2005-06, Bangalore University.
- Member, Board of Examiners of 3 & 5 year LL.B. for U.G. 2005-06, Bangalore University.
- Member, Board of Examiners in U.G./P.G. for 2003-04, Bangalore University.
- Member, Board of Examiners in U.G./P.G. for 2003-04, Bangalore University.
- Chairman, BOE, 3 & 5 years LL.B. Dec. 2004, Bangalore University.
- Member, Board of Examiners for the 3 & 5 years LL.B. Exam 2004-05, Bangalore University.
- Chairperson, U.G. (LL.B. 3 & 5 years) Examination of Bangalore University, 2003-04.
- Member, Board of Examiners of LL.B. (LL.B. 3 & 5 years) Examination of May/November 2002, Bangalore University.
Local Inquiry Committee
- Chairman, Local Enquiry Committee, Karnataka State Law University, Hubli for the year 2014-15.
- Chairman, Local Enquiry Committee, Karnataka State Law University, Hubli for the year 2013-14.
- Member, Local Enquiry Committee, Karnataka State Law University, Hubli for the year 2012-13.
- Member, Local Enquiry Committee, Karnataka State Law University, Hubli for the year 2011-12.
- Member, Local Enquiry Committee, Karnataka State Law University, Hubli for the year 2010-11.
- Chairman, Vigilance Squad Chairman, for 3 & 5 years LL.B. January 2010, KSLU.
- Squad Chief, 3 & 5 years LL.B. Examination June 2008-09, Bangalore University.
External Examiner
- External Member, the Board of Examiner of Law UG/PG Examination May/June 2014, University of Mysore.
- External Examiner, 3 & 5 years LL.B. Examination of January 2013, at Mahajana Law College, Mysore University.
- External Member, the Board of Examiner of Law UG/PG Examination May/June 2012, University of Mysore.
- External Member, the Board of Examiners of Law UG/PG examination May/June 2011, University of Mysore.
- Member, LL.B. Co-Ordination Board, Department of Studies in Law, University of Mysore.
- External Member, Practical Examination Board, LL.B. Examination May/Nov.2008, University of Mysore.
- External Member, Board of Practical LL.B. Examination, May/November 2004, Mysore University.
- Examiner, 3 year and 5 year LL.B. Examinations of May 2004, Karnataka University, Dharwad.
Board of Studies
- Member, Board of Studies, U.G., Karnataka State Law University, Hubli.
- Member, Board of Studies in Law (UG/PG) Bangalore University.
Work Experience in Committees
- Member, Southern Regional Zonal Advisory Board, Life Insurance Corporation of India, Hyderabad, for two years from 1st April 2009 to 31st March 2011.
- Convener, Special Committee to Amend the By Laws of the Janatha Education Society, Bangalore.
- Member, Committee for Implementation of Plan of Action for Good Governance of the Karnataka State Legal Services Authority, the Plan of Action for the year 2009-10.
- Member, Committee for Plan of Action for Implementation of Right to Information Act, 2005 of the Karnataka State Legal Services Authority, the Plan of Action for the year 2009-10.
- Member, Selection Committee for the Appointment of Research Assistant to work for UGC Major Research Project, at P.G. Department of Law, Mysore University.
- Member Disciplinary Committee, J.E.S., Bangalore.
- Coordinator, 5 years LL.B. Revaluation Examination of Dec. 2006, Bangalore University.
- Coordinator for revaluation work 3 years LL.B. Exams December 2003, Bangalore University.
- Chief Custodian, 5 years LL.B. Examination of December 2006-2007, Bangalore University.
- Custodian, U.G. 5 years LL.B. examination April 2003, Bangalore University.
- Examiner, Central Valuation of Gazetted Probationers Main (2006) Examination, KPSC.
Organized Memorial Lectures and Published
- Published a memorial lecture delivered by M. Rama Jois, Member of Parliament, Former Chief Justice Punjab and Haryana High Court & former Governor, Bihar, on the topic: TRIVARGA DOCTRINE: PANACEA FOR ALL HUMAN PROBLEMS, in the year 2012.
- Published a memorial lecture delivered by (Dr.) R. Venkata Rao, Former Vice- Chancellor, NLSIU, Bangalore, on the topic CIVIL JUSTICE EMERGING TRENDS AND CHALLENGES, in the year 2010.
- Published a memorial lecture delivered by Justice Gopala Gowda, Judge, High Court of Karnataka, on the topic: HUMAN RIGHTS JURISPRUDENCE UNDER THE CONSTITUTION, in the year 2008.
- Published a memorial lecture delivered by Justice N. Santhosh Hegde, Lokayukta, Govt. of Karnataka & former Judge, Supreme Court of India on the topic: ROLE OF GOOD GOVERNANCE IN DEMOCRACY in the year 2007.
- Published a memorial lecture delivered by Justice Shivaraj V. Patil, Former Judge, Supreme Court of India, Member, NHRC on the topic: HUMAN RIGHTS OF VULNERABLE SECTIONS in the year 2006.
- Published a memorial lecture delivered by Justice S. Rajendra Babu, Former Chief Justice of India, on the topic: TOLE OF JUDICIARY IN MODERN DEMOCRACY in the year 2005.
- Published a memorial lecture delivered by Dr. V. B. Coutinho, Vice Chancellor, Gulbarga University on the topic: THE WORLD TRADE OLRGANIZATION AND INDIA in the year 2003.
- Published a memorial lecture delivered by Justice N. Venkatachala, Lokayukta, Government of Karnataka on the topic: LOKAYUKTA’S ROLE IN COMBATING CORRUPTION, in the year 2002.
- Published a memorial lecture delivered by Justice H. G. Balakrishna, Former Judge, High Court of Karnataka on the topic: INDIAN CONSTITUTION IN THE PRESENT SCENARIO, in the year 2001.
Coordinator Blood Donation Camps
- Worked as an Organizing Chairman for Blood Donation Camp held on 20th February, 2011 at Vivekananda College of Law.
- Worked as an Organizing Chairman for Blood Donation Camp held on 7th February, 2010 at Vivekananda College of Law.
- Worked as an Organizing Chairman for Blood Donation Camp held on 14th February, 2009 at Vivekananda College of Law.
- Worked as an Organizing Chairman for Blood Donation Camp held on 17th March, 2008 at Vivekananda College of Law.
- Worked as an Organizing Chairman for Blood Donation Camp held on 19th February, 2007 at Vivekananda College of Law.
- Kuvempu Prashasthi, confirmed by Akhila Karnataka Kuvempu Samskruthika Vedike for Social Service and Education on 9.12.2012 in a function of Mahakavi Kuvempu- Ondu Nenapu at Bangalore.
- Founder Secretary, Vishwamanava Kshemabhivridhi Sangha, Bangalore.
- Fonder Secretary, Karnataka Private Law Colleges’ Association, Bangalore.
- Life Member, People’s Education Society, Mandya.
- Chief Promoter, Janatha Education Societies Employees Housing Cooperative Society, Bangalore.