Aims of the Admission Committee:
- This committee formulates and implements the criteria for admission or enrolment of the students to the college for all the Programmes according to the University and Government regulations.
- The Committee lays down the detailed procedure to be followed for admission and ensures the same has been implemented / followed.
- The Committee will identify and approves for admission suitable qualified candidates and display the merit list as per schedule predetermined by the University.
- Rationalise the admission process every year to incorporate suitable changes as per the changing needs.
Objectives of the Admission Committee
The Admission Committee will work to carry out the admissions process in a manner that is equitable, efficient, and timely. It aims cater to the needs of the pool of qualified students from diverse backgrounds, with equal opportunities provided to students with special needs. The notifications/circulars regarding reservation policies declared by the affiliating University is adhered to while enrolling students for the Programmes. Sanctioned intake capacity is strictly adhered to. The Committee also aims to identify and select the most qualified applicants in the total applicant pool and continuously monitors college admissions policy and procedures to ensure efficiency, effectiveness and equity. The Committee works towards making the admission process simple, student friendly, time bound and free from errors and flaws.
Committee Members:
Dr. K B Kempe Gowda, Principal, Ex-officio Chairman
- Sri K Shivaprasad, Coordinator
- Sri Someshe Gowda, Suprintendent
- Sri Kalarasaiah K L, Accountant
- Smt. Bhuvaneshwari S Kolaki, Faculty
- Smt. Bhuvaneshwari S Kolaki, Coordinator
- Manjunath L, Suprintendent
- Rajanna, Accountant
- Sri. Harish M G, Faculty