Vivekananda College of Law established by the Janatha Education Society, was started in the year 1983 with three year LL.B. Course & Five year LL.B. Course when it was first introduced by Bangalore University in the year 1986 & it was started in our college in the very same year. It is the bounden duty of every citizen to know the law. Ignorance of law is no excuse. Our goal is to motivate as many people as possible to realise the importance of law and learn it, which will help them to deal effectively with their day-to-day transactions. Legal profession offers immense scope in not only tackling legal problems through judicial settlements but also to resort to alternate dispute resolutions systems. To contribute to the economy of the country, corporate sector solicits legal advice and in the present scenario where the world is reduced to a global village, sound legal education will enable us to hold steadfast our status in competing and catering to international standards in the era of globalization and liberalization. The college imparts legal education not only by its classroom lectures, but also by exposing its students to various activities, such as moot-courts, legal aid camps, and legal literacy programmes.
The college has produced several rank-holders and continues to carry forwards its noble endeavor of spreading legal education. The college has well stacked library, e-library and moot court hall with competent full time and visiting faculty to prepare students in the competitive field of legal education.

To attain perfection through education.
- To create an environment for imbibing strong ethical & human values.
- Promote skills of advocacy & tact for methods of amicable settlement of disputes.
- Inculcate social consciousness to fight social evils in the society.
- To mentor students to withstand the vagaries of life.
- To work towards the attainment of Constitutional goals.
- To ignite young minds towards research & come out with innovative ideas.
- To make the world a better place.
Education to be Man Making, Life Giving, Character Building, Empowering & Assimilation of noble ideas.
OUR GOAL is to establish a sound knowledge base on which students will be best able to build their future from exposure to different life experiences.
“CREATION OF PERSONA” Education is a value to distinguish between fair and unfair; just and unjust. It nurtures a sense of sacrifice, sensitivity, righteousness, courage, conviction and determination to stand up for the cause of justice.
When on joins VCL, these qualities get ingrained into one’s personality & help one to make a mark for oneself, stand up and be counted in this globalized world.